MISSION STATEMENT:------Through constant messaging; provide, assist and motivate people who have experienced, to forward kindness to someone else. To act, state and conduct themselves optimistically and faithfully to better their lives and others in all facets.

WHAT WE DO:------We send you a FREE T-shirt to wear and bag to forward kindness.

Through subliminal messaging and paraphernalia, we promote forwarding acts of kindness. We encourage you to engage, display love and pass on positive reminders that we can be kind to each other. The purpose is giving to others unconditionally and learning forgiveness. We ship free T-shirts to individuals upon request encouraging NoBetaDoBeta pictures & stories expecting the use of the NoBeta DoBeta bag to forward kindness or kind acts to others. Many of us have experienced different challenges in our lives. Whether it’s spiritual, personal, monetary or even everyday pressures. NOBETA- DOBETA is an organization promoting positive subliminal messaging or acts of kindness to others.

It’s simple…… Once you “KNOW BETTER” we challenge you to “DO BETTER”. Tell us your story, wear the free T-shirt and use the NoBetaDoBeta bag to pass kindness forward. If you would to like to order additional T- shirts and additional bags for yourself, click the buttom below and complete the order form. You can also make a donation to assist us to send out more free T-shirts and bags!!!